Monday, April 16, 2018

Exploring Lobo Cave, Jiabong, Samar

If you are tired of bitches and beaches, head inland, follow rivers and explore caves instead!

A couple of months ago, Chasing Potatoes and I went spelunking with Sir Joni Bonifacio of Trexplore in the Cave Capital of the Philippines, Samar, Leyte. A few countries later, those caving explorations Langun-Gobingob Cave included as well as canyoneering Bangon Falls in Catbalogan and Sampao in Biliran are still on my mind! I would do them all over again in a heartbeat!

The one-day caving trip to Lobo Cave in Jiabong, Samar is worth $120 or P6000 for a minimum of two persons! Yes, it does sound expensive for us Pinoys but the experience is priceless!

As you all know, I prefer to DIY my trips. I rarely hire guides because I do a lot of research beforehand but here is why I prefer to go with a guide this time:
  1. It is easy to get lost inside caves. Some of these caves are uncharted and Google maps don't work here!
  2. I do not have the proper gear and buying or renting them would be expensive.
  3. It is best to go on adventures with an expert because you know there is someone who can help you in times of troubles.
  4. For Lobo Cave, the water in the cave could easily rise and trap me inside during heavy rains and rising of the tides.
  5. The package already includes the following:
  • permits
  • caving gear (headlamp, bodysuit, life jacket, helmet, gloves)
  • breakfast and lunch
  • boat rides
  • porter and guide
  • documentation (I have to thank him for most of the photos and videos found in this entry.)
  • caving certificate

I only need to make sure I am fit, fearless, and ready with the following items:
  • day pack 
  • dry bags
  • cap
  • sunglasses
  • sunscreen
  • water bottle
  • trekking shoe ( My shoe has saved me a lot from broken nails, impact from high jumps over canyons, slippery surfaces, yak dungs, and possible sprains!)
  • camera
I think this is a moderately difficult activity. If you are not used to taking long hikes and swimming for hours in cold water, this adventure is not for you. Here's what a typical day trip to Lobo Cave looks like:

7:30 AM      We started our day with a hearty breakfast prepared by Sir Joni's lovely wife at their house in Catbalogan City.
8:00 AM      Then we took a tricycle to the terminal to catch a jeepney to Brgy. Tagbayaon, Jiabong.
8:15 AM      After that,  a motorbike took us to the starting point of our trek.
After a short strip of paved road, our path transitioned into agricultural lands.
Since a rain has just passed, the path was a bit slippery and muddy. There were a lot of pineapples that dotted the landscape.
We hiked through hills that once in a while give way to views of Maqueda Bay and the sprawling town of Calbiga.
The hike itself was breathtaking!

We had to stop at some point so our porter can hack the overgrowth and forge a path for us.

We then trudged through towering shrubberies which opened up into a stream that leads to the mouth of the cave.

9:00 AM      After an hour, we arrived at the nondescript entrance of Lobo Cave which is densely covered by greeneries. Sir Joni then oriented us on the area, what to expect, and our responsibilities as visitors and cave explorers. He and his team also made sure we have donned the proper equipment and we knew how to operate them.

10:00 AM     We were not prepared for what Lobo Cave offered! The entrance was small and unimposing unlike Langun-Gobingob.

However, after a quick walk, we were greeted by the impressive Angel Wings Calcite Formation.
 We then moved forward to explore the Grand Canyon. It seems like this cave has something new to offer at each turn.

PHOTO CREDIT: Chasing Potatoes
Further on are different stalactite formations, including the Water Terraces.
It looks like crystal glitters were poured over the cascading whiteness of the stone. It was beautiful and it took all my energy not to touch it. I do not want to ruin something made for millions of years in just one second of selfish and foolish action.

These were carefully shaped by the water that flowed through these rocks for hundreds and even millions of years.

 After this, we then had to wiggle through the Diamond Hole Passage. It was a high drop so we had to use ropes for safety.
PHOTOCREDIT: Chasing Potatoes
11:00 AM      We then found ourselves listening to the sound of gushing water. Following this, we were led to the Underground Waterfalls which has really strong currents even if it was so small.

11:15 AM      We followed the water flowing in the Underground River and even saw fishes swimming in the shallow waters.

There are points where we had to push ourselves up boulders because they were caked with mud or water was gushing on our face.

There were also tunnels to go through. One wrong step would bring us swimming in the deep waters.
And low ceilinged areas to swim through.
At one point we had to swim through guano rich waters for what seemed like an eternity. It was flanked by two great walls and it was so dark you can't even see where the ceiling is. Bats were flying everywhere and I felt like the scene was reminiscent of the boat ride to the Underworld. At points of exhaustion, Sir Joni would sometimes grab our life vest and pull us or we would use him as a floater.               

11:30 AM      Arriving at the Dead End of the Lobo Cave Underground River was a relief from paddling with my shoe clad shoes!
12:00 NN       We were greeted by mud covered stalactites.
Good thing we were wearing helmets or we would have ended up with split foreheads.
We then crawled to the Mud Chamber because it was just difficult to keep our balance.
It was loads of fun though because we swam in the mud like pigs. We also did some mud packs. I wonder what the beauty benefit of this mixture is and if I can bottle it up and sell it.

12:30 PM       After the fun and games, we hiked and swam back to the Grand Canyon.

1:00 PM         We then gobbled up our lunch at the junction of Lobo Cave because we were famished!

1:30 PM         After settling our stomachs, the team tied up some ropes again to help haul ourselves towards the Upper Part of the Lobo Cave

Funny looking stalagmites juts out from the ground. Thre were also natural pools and baths to explore.
This area had the coldest water we've been in so far.

2:00 PM         Our next stop was the Giant White Flow Stones which looked like snow covering  precipice.

2:30 PM         We then wandered around in the Dream Chambers, Giant Water Terraces, Giant Natural Pool, The King's Chamber, snow-like Calcite Formations, curtain-like calcite formations
We saw cave pearls here which are beautfully rounded stones.

When submerged in the water, they look like toad stools.

There were also these weird glow in the dark string like objects hangin on some rocks.
Near one of the banks that we have to climb on were creatures that looked like giant ants with really long antennaes.

3:00 PM         To get out, we needed to swim again towards the exit. We needed to do it fast or risked being trapped and sealed inside when the tide rises.

We emerged into the jungle again and hiked through dense foliage towards the Panaghoyan River
River is made up of lots of stones! I've never seen so much boulders flanking the riversides in my life!

3:15 PM          We were met by a banca or boat at the deep part of the river. Then we pushed towards the Jiabong Bridge. It was a sweet ride where leaves of trees would sometimes graze our skin. Out in the distance, we observed birds flying and butterflies and dragonflies fleeting by.
It was also the best way to observe the village life as we passed through bamboo groves, mangrove forests, and clusters of nipa.
Jiabong also produces lots of mussels so we got to see mussel cages along the river route. We also saw how the locals clean, process, and sell them just by the bridge where we disembarked.

3:40 PM          After buying souvenirs like Mussel Chips and just as the sun was setting we hailed a fully loaded jee and rode on top towards Catbalogan City.

4:30 PM          We then arrived at Trexplore in Catbalogan just as the local church rang its bells.

Joni's Angels

CAVE MASTER: Joni Abesamis Bonifacio
055-2512301 / 5438550
09192943865 / 09276750062