Why is Success a Science
1. science is defined as, “a proven body of knowledge, skills, or principles.”
2. in physics, there is only one great and universal law: Everything is Energy.
Subsidary Laws:
- align and coordinate; interdependent and interrelated
1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
- Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation
2. The Law of Vibration
- There are millions and millions of varying degrees of vibration which we call
- higher the frequency the more intense the vibration
- Thought is the most potent form of energy
- Thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space
3. The Law of Relativity
- Relativity says that all that is only exists by comparison
- nothing in life has any meaning, except the meaning we give it
4. The Law of Polarity
- Everything in existence has its opposite and cannot exist otherwise
- all opposites are different manifestations of the same thing; the only separation is by degree
5. The Law of Rhythm
- everything in existence is a dance; swaying, flowing, swinging back and forth
- Everything has an order, a rhythm and a pattern
6. The Law of Cause and Effect
- a perpetual and never-ending cycle
- it is impossible to start a “new” chain of events.
7. The Law of Gender
- Nothing is ever created or destroyed
- governs what we call creation
-for anything to manifest it must have an incubation or gestation period
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