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Have you ever felt so alone in a crowded room? Have you ever felt that you try so hard to belong yet sadly you never will?This must be the pay off of my displacement. What do I expect anyway? I'm a year ahead of their batch and about 3 years their senior! I guess I just have to


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The Sound of One Heart Breaking by Karen Kunawicz

The Sound of One Heart Breaking by Karen Kunawicz

Ever come across this zen koan that JD Salinger used in one of his books? You know, the one that asks what is the sound of one hand clapping. I don't know the answer to that one. But ask me what's the sound of one heart breaking and I might have an answer. Welcome to the dark side


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First Day Jitters

First Day Jitters

I'm so glad there are no classes on Wednesdays! At least, I can rest from trying to fit in.I so wished Karla was my classmate but it is nowhere near possible unless we seek Dr. Lims help which is a no-no. It would compromise our position. I went to Dr. Limthough to try to credit my Asian Civilization.


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