xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xmlns:b='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b' xmlns:data='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data' xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr' xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml'> March 2009 - My Verbal Diarrhea
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This is the Moment!

This is the Moment!

"This is the moment! This is the day, When I send all my doubts and demons On their way! Every endeavor, I have made - ever Is coming into play, Is here and now - today! This is the moment, This is the time, When the momentum and the moment Are in rhyme! Give me this moment This


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Yipee! I could just shout for joy if only I don't live in a row of houses where only a thick slab of concrete divides us! I am at home tapping at my laptop! Ain't it grand? I can now type away with pleasure and the nice thing about this set up is the wi-fi connection is free!


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Hairy Story

Hairy Story

Just few days more before the big day and my hair is like a freakin static rug! I need help BAD! I only have 100 bucks to my name to date so getting a perm is out of the question. Gawd! I hate my dry frizzy hair!I also got a problem with my make-up. If you want to


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A Week More

A Week More

A week from now and I'll already be graduating from college. I am so excited but I have not attended a single practice yet! I just hope I won't mess up on 'the' day!I have been so busy complying with my APAC requirements that I am so exhausted already. What's worse? It is just 1 pm! The day


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I've Nailed APAC

I've Nailed APAC

Ok I'm ecstatic!I nailed my dream job - to be a call center agent! APAC hired me for 8,000 Php last night! I know it's way way cheaper than what my best buds Tata and Waw got on their first pay check but hey I'm in the province so, I'll take it!My training starts on May 2 so


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Studying Actually

Studying Actually

I breezed through elementary and high school and even some college at UP without breaking a sweat. I was undeterred by exams and other trivialities that would usually cause other students sleepless nights. It is no wonder that I wasn't able to pass the Philippine Science High School second screening and that in high school I steadily slipped


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I'm Marching this March!

I'm Marching this March!

I will soon end a chapter of my life. Soon is give and take 20 days from now.Yesterday was probably the longest queuing I did in my entire life. It was not because the line was as long as the American Idol audition but it was more because as I wait in line my heart was palpitating and


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