Max Lucado's It's Not About Me
She asked me where she can buy a copy. I told her that Tita said she can have it if she'll share it. I then handed it to Muneca who raved about it. I don't like the writing style but his ideas intrigued me. In fact, in my first read I didn't entirely get what he was saying. It was on my second read that a light suddenly broke and I began understanding.
I'll be giving my impressions per chapter from this day onwards until I finish the book. Read with me.
CHAPTER ONE: Bumping Life Off Self-Center
"It's not about you. It's not about me. It's all about him.", best describes the thought of this chapter and perhaps the whole book. It tells us to act like the moon and reflect the sun's glory. I love the analogy the author used. He compared our lives to an orchestra. An orchestra that uses an " It's all about me" outlook would only create chaos never music. If we only took our places and play the part we are suppposed to play we would instead produce a melodious harmony!
Max Lucado asks how we can bump off center. He said that we should move from me-focus to God-focus by pondering and witnessing him.
How many times have we never listened to advises from our elders? How many times have we acted on impulse knowing that it would only do harm? We rarely ever consider the consequences of our actions until it is too late.
As Christians, we should reflect God's light-his love. We should not be lazy to to help out and do good. To listen to others and not just ourselves. These days, I've been smiling to other people more. I know my face looks constipated always. I'm doing my best to change that. It's been scientifically proven that smiling is infectious. So there goes, spread the sunshine. Spread the love! Smiling brings down barriers and reduces frown lines. There is always a risk that the other person will not smile back but more likely they will. We then move away from our selfcenteredness to reflect God's grace to others.
What are other ways that we can bear witness to God?
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