Understandably, in politics there will always be two sides of the coin. But others would just simply stay neutral. When I posted my rants about the Pintados/Sangyaw fiasco, my cousin Boom gave me a piece of his mind. I'll post it here. It is also a good way to show another side of the story. I guess he
On Yumi and Ascof
On Yumi and Ascof
By Gigi
Me and my usual carelessness. I should have known better and should have done the three checks before giving Yumi Ascof Lagundi. I should have checked the label and dosage while taking out the medicine, preparing it and then before administering it. She's just 3 years old and she should have been taking around 3ml of it but
Unearthed Poems
Unearthed Poems
By Gigi
I was looking through my old stuffs earlier this morning in the hopes of finding notes that can help me with biochemistry. I found a piece of yellow paper and it had a 1.0 mark on it (mind you I rarely get a 1.0). I started reading it and I would like to share it with you. It was a
First Day High!
First Day High!
By Gigi
Welcome Class of 2015! Welcome future doctors! When I decided to become a doctor, I was well advised by my aunt. I know that for the first four years medical books are going to be my best buddies. It has just been a week now but my eyes are already heavy from lack of sleep. In four years, I'll be
Orientation Turned To Introspection
I was expecting to be oriented to our curriculum today. Instead, our Dean talked about something else that has always interested me. When a 70ish guy talks, shut your mouth and listen because they speak with wisdom. There is a line in the Bible that says " Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." I
The World is a Rat Race!
The World is a Rat Race!
By Gigi
I'm counting the days before school starts. Yes, I won't deny it I am excited! I'll be picking other people's brains(literally!) and racking mine! The rat race is on... I've been a nurse and it taught me that I can still enrich myself. I hated being in a limbo. I was stuck between the world of patients and
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My Verbal Diarrhea
My Verbal Diarrhea is soon going to transition into a collection of short stories of actual events that happened while working as a relief worker with different international non-government organizations as well as a chronicle of anything and everything that moves me. Who knows one day, this will become a memoir?
Email me at gedaleann@gmail.com for inquiries, product reviews, events, product launches, collaborations, sponsorships, or just about anything you want me to discuss.
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