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Forearm Anatomy Exam on Monday!!!

Forearm Anatomy Exam on Monday!!!

Do you need a little help on the forearm? Here are some mnemonics to help you out.For Carpal Bones, there are many mnemonics out there. I only posted in the two I found that is easy to memorize and is widely used. Other mnemonics (as they usually are) are for parental guidance. This is from lateral to medial. There


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Blood Supply of the Brain

Blood Supply of the Brain

Saw Netter's illustration of the Circle of Willis a while ago. It looked quite easy but the drawing is not the prob. My prob is memorizing the parts. As usual, I ran some searches regarding this problem and ta-da..here are some things to help improve that early memory loss of yours! This looks like a spider, right? A very scary


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Pump Up the Blood Flow

Pump Up the Blood Flow

My new dilemma today is memorizing the blood flow of the heart. Since I have a poor memory, I researched some tips and tricks that might help you: 1. Remember that vein has the word "in" in it, meaning it carries blood into the heart! 2. Arteries starts with letter A symbolizing away. It pumps blood away from the


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