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Animaze Cosplay 2011 as Shizuka Miyaka of HOTSD

Animaze Cosplay 2011 as Shizuka Miyaka of HOTSD

Our group ( Jessa Mae Tan, Edgar Profetana, Tessie Ong, Antonette Veloso, Yvette Lader and the zombies) won last night's Animaze Cosplay event at Leyte Park! Woohooo Perigrines! Thank you guys for the moral support! The cheers fueled us! We went as High School of the Dead! Our costumes were plain and simple and our skit was spontaneous.


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Skulls and Cross Bones

Skulls and Cross Bones

Cranial bones "PEST OF 6": Parietal Ethmoid Sphenoid Temporal Occipital Frontal 6 to remember Orbit: Bones of the Medial Wall "My Little Eye Sits in the orbit." Maxilla (frontal process) Lacrimal Ethmoid Sphenoid (body) Superior Orbital Fissure ( structures passing through): Lazy French Tarts Lie Naked In Anticipation Of Sex Lacrimal n. Frontal n. Trochlear n. Lateral n. Nasociliary


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Atty vs Witness

Atty vs Witness

These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things people actually said in court, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning? WITNESS: He said, ‘Where am


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