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Epic Fail: Devolution and the Philippine Health Care Delivery System

Epic Fail: Devolution and the Philippine Health Care Delivery System

RA 7160 or the Local Government Code resulted in both the improvement and deterioration of the health care delivery system in our country.  In 1993, the health services were devolved or transferred from the Department of Health to the local government units that mostly were perpetually cash-strapped. All the provincial, district and municipal hospitals were turned over to


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Waray Waray Mourning Rituals: Private Grief and Public Mourning

Waray Waray Mourning Rituals: Private Grief and Public Mourning

For my final report in Psychiatry, I chose this topic to make an essay on. I texted my Lolo Danding ( Eduardo O. Apa) throughout the creative process; frequently asking questions and translations. Little did I know that four days later on October 18, 2011 he will go to heaven. This helped me a lot on my mourning and


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