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Moving On...

Moving On...

         If you are reading this, then perhaps we are on the same page on our journey through life (or have been in the same situation.)           Science has taught us that repeat exposure to the same stimulus or biological invasion dulls our reflexes and when a certain saturation point is reached, we gain immunity.


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Myra Vitaglow Review

Myra Vitaglow Review

A week ago, I was running low of my usual Olay Natural White Cream. I headed to Robinson's and they already ran out of it. Admittedly, I am a big moisturizer junkie. Growing desperate and too lazy to go to other stores due to the heavy human traffic.( Holiday shopping and all.) I perused the wide array of available


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2012 Wishlist

2012 Wishlist

It's a new year again! Hello 2012 and goodbye 2011! Everyone is so hyped in making new years resolution. I'm not as enthusiastic though. One thing I've learned from two decades plus plus of celebrating new years and making new years resolutions is that hardly any of them come true. So for 2012, I'd rather make a wishlist.


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