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The Mourning Leyteno's: Benjamin Kokoy Romualdez

The Mourning Leyteno's: Benjamin Kokoy Romualdez

Warning: this is a photo overload.  All of the photos were taken from Congressman Ferdinand Martin Romualdez's (son of Kokoy Romualdez)  and Tacloban LGU's Facebook account. The photos speaks a thousand words and so the photos will tell the story of how the Leyteno's lost a fellow Leyteno- all in Imeldific proportions. At long last a photo of


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Benjamin Kokoy Romualdez at Sto. Nino Church

Benjamin Kokoy Romualdez at Sto. Nino Church

photo by Jaydee Chan A tribute to the late Ambassador and Leyte Governor Benjamin Kokoy Romualdez was held yesterday afternoon at the Sto. Nino Church. phot by Ferdinand Martin Romuladez's FB account It was a very solemn ceremony with representatives of RTRMF and DVOREF giving eulogies peppered with elegies. I particularly admired Atty. Eduardo Polistico's speech. He highlighted


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