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I've always found Melanie Marquez witty and funny. I'm a great fan of her Melanie-isms. Here are some of her quotable quotes circulating in the internet.  Enjoy! My brother is not a girl; he’s a gentleman. That’s why I’m a success, it’s because I don’t middle in other people’s lives. Don’t judge my brother; he’s not a book.


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I first saw the ombre word while watching America's Next Top Model British Invasion. It was one of Tyra's makeover suggestion. Later that day, I randomly read it at a DIY site and it peaked my interest. Seems like this is the in thing among Hollywood actresses and fashion A-listers! Since Emma, my best bud, and I have


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REVIEW: iWhite Korea Whitening Pack

REVIEW: iWhite Korea Whitening Pack

iWhite Korea has been my all time favorite! I simply dig their Whitening Pack and Nose Pack. I'm so glad it is available at Robinson's Supermarket here in Tacloban City now. Previously, when Tacloban was still mall-free, I get my iWhite from either Watsons Cebu or Manila and only when I get a chance to travel there. I


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Study Like It is The End of The World!

Study Like It is The End of The World!

Last night, a high school friend Maracel posted in FB if anyone knows a good memory technique. I suddenly remembered Dr. Jesus G. Reyes who is in his 70s probably. He would passionately teach us memory techniques. Often times he would pick someone randomly from our class and call out their full names and birthdays. He never got


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