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SANGYAW FESTIVAL's Parade of Lights

SANGYAW FESTIVAL's Parade of Lights

Photo: Danica Canas My daughter and I was all pumped up to watch the Parade of Lights yesterday. Who wouldn't? There was so much hype about it on TV plus Youtube video teasers of the floats were posted everywhere on FB. This is supposedly a first in Tacloban City-the city governments bid to outshine the Pintados Festival and


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Travelore: Mambanao, Burauen, Leyte

Travelore: Mambanao, Burauen, Leyte

Just a few kilometres away from the sawang or center of Burauen, Leyte hides a sandy shore on a bank of a pristine river. This place is called Mambanao by the locals. Its crystal clear cool water, unpolluted by human wantonness is the perfect place to go to on a hot and humid day. To get to this


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30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know By The Time She's 30

30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know By The Time She's 30

While pinning earlier, I came across 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know By The Time She's 30. It's a list written by Pamela Redmond Satran which was published in Glamour magazine.  I'm still a long way off 30 but I am slowly going to that direction, no matter how I try to deny it. I would


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