xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xmlns:b='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/b' xmlns:data='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/data' xmlns:expr='http://www.google.com/2005/gml/expr' xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml'> August 2012 - My Verbal Diarrhea
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Violet Hair

Violet Hair

I dyed streaks of violet on my hair last May.  Now, it is more like magenta.  Little did I know that it is not about the quality or how long I let the dye stay on my hair but colored dyes like violet, pink, blue, red usually remain vibrant for only a week or two and then slowly


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Fabric Paint Mandala

Fabric Paint Mandala

Once upon a time I fell in love with mehndi and now that love had led me to mandala. I don't consider myself an artist. I am not good with drawing nor with paint. I am a doodler...a scribbler...and recently I happen to love color.  My favorite materials are watercolor paper, watercolor pencil, my prang watercolor palette,good old


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Vino de Coco and Memories of Lolo

Vino de Coco and Memories of Lolo

It was a sweltering, hot day when we, the EV bloggers, visited the Vino de Coco factory in the suburbs of Tacloban City. I just read about Vino de Coco in 8 magazine a couple of days ago and when I received an invite to meet the genius behind the innovative product I was more than excited to


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Etsy Art Scams

Etsy Art Scams

Etsy art scams are viral. This is my story. I just recently uploaded some paintings on to Etsy and within a few days I received an inquiry for one of them If you can notice, the account of Winter Olympics is no longer on etsy. This should have set off alarm bells but I was thinking that maybe


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Jay Perillo

Jay Perillo

My friend Bryan drag me into another event at Robinson's Tacloban yesterday featuring Jay Perillo.  Jay Perillo is a half-Filipino and half-Chinese from Star in a Million fame. He was also the Are You The Next Big Star? finalist. I think he is a mainstay the sunday noontime show at GMA 7. From what I gathered from his


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Newspapers at the Rotunda

Newspapers at the Rotunda

Have you ever wondered how we get our national newspapers on time? Fresh off from Manila City's printing press, these national dailies are then boarded on the earliest flight to Tacloban. These then are distributed at the corner of the Coca Cola rotunda. This is already a landmark! So the next time that you pass by the Coca


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Epic Rejected UPCAT Essay Questions

Epic Rejected UPCAT Essay Questions

I'm so glad I didn't get to answer these rejected UPCAT questions or I would have epic failed it!  Just found these questions from http://smsnch.tumblr.com. They are so funny and hilarious but would have been a cause of anxiety for test takers who don't know much about poop culture. I underlined m faves here. . Hanggang saan aabot ang


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