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Eccentric Yet Happy Giveaway

Eccentric Yet Happy Giveaway

Thanks a lot to Eccentric Yet Happy for mailing me this giveaway win. I wonder when the Shorts Station prize will arrive. It is almost 5 months of waiting already. Thanks a lot to Eccentric Yet Happy for mailing me this giveaway win. I wonder when the Shorts Station prize will arrive. It is almost 5 months of


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Review: Skinmate Placenta Cream

Review: Skinmate Placenta Cream

Everyone has a problem area. Mine are my knees. They are dark and ashen. I've always wanted to lighten its color. When I saw Skinmate Placenta Cream, I wanted to try it. Placenta creams are made of animal placenta---humans included. They are much fabled for their beauty benefits like anti-ageing and cell renewal. It is said to give


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