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Daw nasusunog sidsid han langit...

Daw nasusunog sidsid han langit...

All the hype about the so-called Supermoon the other night left me disappointed. The moon still looked the same to my untrained eyes. I've seen bigger ones before. However, this afternoon just as I woke up from my siesta, I saw the sky painted in an eerie shade. My friend Larissa whom I grabbed the photo you see


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Free Firmoo Eyewear for this Summer!

Free Firmoo Eyewear for this Summer!

Firmoo June New Arrivals It's June already and school is out! Don't you just love the heat of summer? Everyone is planning for a perfect getaway. It is the perfect season to head on to the beach on your itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini and get some glowing tan! However, the suns glare is too much


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Debunking the Common Acne Myths with Proactiv

Debunking the Common Acne Myths with Proactiv

Our skin is our body's first line of defense against external factors. If this barrier is damaged foreign organisms that may cause infection can easily get in. The pimples on your face is the result of a month long incubation process. Dead skin cells are supposed to slough off but sometimes they block the pores or sebaceous hair


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My Flower Headbands

My Flower Headbands

I made these flower headbands/wreath whenever I needed to rest my hands and eyes from the computer. What do you think? I got all my materials for the flower headbands from one mad dash to downtown one inspired afternoon. As my bestfriend Emma says, this is going to last Yumi one whole year and I am still itching


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REVIEW on Proactiv Deep Cleansing Wash

REVIEW on Proactiv Deep Cleansing Wash

Here is my long awaited review on Proactiv Deep Cleansing Wash.  Proactiv deep cleansing wash is a non-comedogenic wash for face and body. Non-comedogenic products do not clog your pores. this is one thing that you should look for in products that you will apply to your skin. Once your pores are blocked you will have breakouts or


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DIY: Flower Head Band Tutorial

DIY: Flower Head Band Tutorial

Here is a Flower Head Band tutorial for you dear fashionistas. This trend has been going on in the States since the early part of this year. It seems that these are the in thing  as they say goodbye to spring and say hello to summer. Even local bloggers are following the trend. Here is Laureen Uy with


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