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Palo Mini-Museum

Palo Mini-Museum

Educating a 5 year old about arts, culture and history in Tacloban City or Leyte in general is a challenge.  We do not have museums nor do we have art galleries.  I always take advantage of mini-shows such as the one staged by the municipality of Palo. The "Enchanting Palo Art Exhibit and Mini Museum" is open up


Bohol Aftershock

Bohol Aftershock

My friend Jica went to Bohol in a haste hours after the 7.2 earthquake rocked the Visayas.  Her father was missing and their house was badly damaged. Later on, we found out that a group of loggers carried her ailing father to their upland farm where the family is camping out right now. There is no electricity or


Buy Proactiv and Get a Chance to Win Tickets to Alicia Keys Concert”

Buy Proactiv and Get a Chance to Win Tickets to Alicia Keys Concert”

Wanna see Alicia Keys live and belting out your favorite songs? Have you purchased your Proactiv kit already? Now is the best time to take advantage of their ongoing promo! If you purchase a 30 or 60 day Proactiv kit from Sept 16 – Nov 14, 2013  at any participating outlets like http://my.proactiv.com.ph, Proactiv Door-to-Door Delivery Phone Hotlines:


LATAGAW SERIES: Welcome to Malaysia 2

LATAGAW SERIES: Welcome to Malaysia 2

We arrived at the Low Cost Carrier Terminal or LCCT in Kuala Lumpur at around 6:30 pm. Surprisingly, despite that there is no time difference between the Philippines and Malaysia, the sky is still bright at this time. Here's a pic taken from the plane. Malaysia is also known as the Garden City.  Look at that greenery! Their


Latagaw Series: Getting to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1

Latagaw Series: Getting to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1

Although I have always dreamed of visiting Thailand first, traveling to Kuala Lumpur was a welcome surprise. It was my first trip outside the country. My first big art exhibit.  Now who could stop me from something when I am really driven? I spent hours scouring the internet for places to visit, maps, how to get there, routes,


Truly Asia Art Pieces

Truly Asia Art Pieces

These are the pieces that I was "supposed" to bring to the Art Expo Malaysia 2013 and the exhibit at the Philippine Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. However, my "Surrender" which you see below was bought when we had an exhibit at Cafe Lucia. There was no haggling for this piece. I like it that way. I do not


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