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Proactiv Daily Oil Control Review

Proactiv Daily Oil Control Review

A month after Yolanda, my face is a total chaos. Years of using whitening products and sunblock went down the drain. My current job also requires me to go to the field and hunt children (I sound like a cannibal here). No wonder my face is not only deeply tanned but greasy as well after lunch time!  Here's


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The Outlets Opening this Saturday!

The Outlets Opening this Saturday!

We all love to shop especially Christmas shopping for gifts for yourself and for your family and friends! On December 14 — that’s 3 days from now — AboitizLand will open the first outlet shopping destination in the Visayas and Mindanao, The Outlets at Pueblo Verde. The new commercial community will showcase top brands with year-round discounted prices —Nike, Levi’s, Dockers, Adidas, Timberland,


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