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Proactiv Skin Care Advisor Program

Proactiv Skin Care Advisor Program

Just this January, Proactiv has launched their Skin Cae Advisor Program. I love this new idea from Proactiv because it brings their products closer to their buyers. You can easily ask the Skin Care Advisors on product recommendations for skin problems like acne and oily skin. They are trained using the module of dermatologists Drs. Rodan and Fields.


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The Deniece Cornejo Dossier

The Deniece Cornejo Dossier

With all the hullabaloo surrounding Deniece Cornejo, I just had to put my researching skill into full throttle despite the dozen or so reasons not to: no electricity, relying on a friend's hotspot, being too nosy about showbusiness (which is none of my business but will always be everybody's business)  and etc. However, I know you are just


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Best Bam-e in Leyte

Best Bam-e in Leyte

Eating canned goods at least once a day since Yolanda struck has made my home cooked meals boring. However, there are rare days wherein I experience gastronomic delights. I will be forever thankful to my good friend Jam Tan for telling me to drop by Alonzo's every time I'm in Abuyog for their bam-e. Alonzo's is located near


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