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EasyShop.ph Seller’s Night a Roaring Success

EasyShop.ph Seller’s Night a Roaring Success

San Juan City, Philippines - May 18, 2014 – EasyShop.ph’s pre-launch event called the “Sellers’ Night” drew a huge crowd Saturday evening as online sellers, bloggers and others in the web community joined the company’s officials and partners to celebrate the newest online marketplace based in the country at the Green Lounge Events Place at the BTTC Center


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Kikay Review: Wen by Chaz Dean Cleansing Conditioner

Kikay Review: Wen by Chaz Dean Cleansing Conditioner

Wonderful people has recently sent me Wen by Chaz Dean Sweet Almond Mint Cleansing Conditioner to review. I got a 60 ml sachet that when you pressed down is half the pack. It is a 5-in-1 formula so it acts as: Shampoo Conditioner Deep conditioner Detangler Leave-in conditioner Just the perfect combination for my curly and frizzy locks! Spare


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Maybelline Lip Polish Review

Maybelline Lip Polish Review

Robinson's Tacloban has always had a paltry cosmetic department. On my search for the perfect shade of lip balm (in2it red preferably which I know is futile in Tacloban regardless if we were hit by Yolanda or not), I chanced upon a few tubes of Maybellline Lip Polish( which is known as Color Elixir in other countries). This is


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