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Nicole Scherzinger Sizzles as Proactiv's New Endorser

Nicole Scherzinger Sizzles as Proactiv's New Endorser

Who is Nicole  Her international sex appeal needs no translation. Of Filipino/Hawaiian/Russian descent, Nicole Scherzinger’s charisma knows no bounds. As success stories go, Nicole’s rise to stardom wasn’t always smooth and easy. Raised in a modest household by her mom and German-American stepfather, her humble upbringing didn’t deter her from pursuing her burning ambition to become a singer.


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Latagaw Diaries: Changi Airport

Latagaw Diaries: Changi Airport

Dubbed as one of the best airports in the world, welcome to Changi Airport! The airport itself is a tourist destination with so many nooks to explore.  And because I am traveling alone, I need to practice taking selfies. (Awkward!) Look out for this Tourist Information kiosk. Grab some guides e.g. Changi Airport Guide and Singapore Guide or


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Papal Visit Plan


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