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Best Cambodian Souvenir

Best Cambodian Souvenir

I personally feel that the best souvenir from Cambodia is a traditional photoshoot in their Khmer Boran or traditional attire. Though this might set you back 15USD, it is worth the experience! My friends Sophea and Khema took me to this photo studio in Phnom Penh. We came in late, around 5 pm but the owner still accommodated


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Endless fun under the Philippine Sun

Endless fun under the Philippine Sun

Who doesn't love a little fun in the sun? The beach can be a perfect way to spend the day and get some summer moments with your loved ones. Summer means sun, shorts, sandals, bathing suits, and bronzed skin. But with beach hair and shorter hemlines comes the dangers that not only instigate the probability of skin cancer,


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Phnom Penh's Crazy Traffic

Phnom Penh's Crazy Traffic

When I was in Phnom Penh, I found the traffic captivating and amusing. There were a lot of crazy things going on that was unusual for a lass from the province in a third world country like me. 1. Motorcycles going the opposite direction! 2. Monks in their robes riding on motorcycles. 3. A hummer in the midst


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