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Vanuatu Malaria Prophylaxis Experience

Vanuatu Malaria Prophylaxis Experience

When Zyra and I were heading to Vanuatu, we had to take prophylaxis for malaria. I am not a big fan of medicines. I do not even take vitamins but malaria is a serious threat so I had to do this. There are five drugs you can use as prophylaxis. These are: primaquine mefloquine doxycycline chloroquine atovaquone/proguanil (malarone)


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Vanuatu Magic Stone: "Scabby Skin or Nakan Kem"


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Buy Proactiv Kit and get a discount on Wen Cleansing Conditioner 350ml

Buy Proactiv Kit and get a discount on Wen Cleansing Conditioner 350ml

Basic Mechanics: Proactiv customers purchasing a Proactiv kit (30-day or 60-day) from the Proactiv Philippines Online shopping site https://my.proactiv.comph can choose to upgrade their kits with an additional product, Wen Cleansing Conditioner 350ml at Php250 discount (if purchased with 30-day kit) or at Php400 discount (if purchased with 60-day kit). What is Wen Cleansing Conditioner? WEN® Cleansing Conditioner


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