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Latagaw Diaries: Haw Par Villa, Singapore

Latagaw Diaries: Haw Par Villa, Singapore

How far is Haw Par Villa? It is not that far! It is just at the doorstep of Haw Par MRT Station. It opens from 9am to 7pm. But it would really be scary to visit at night. The Haw Par Villa is owned by the brothers who created the Tiger Balm. (Yes, those minty balms sold in


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Ephemeral Limerence

Ephemeral Limerence

It was perhaps the hottest day that summer and I badly needed to cool off and feel the soothing saltwater on my sweaty skin. So I held out my hand and beckoned you to come and go with me for a swim. Frolicking in the waters is more fun with someone...special. Just imagine staring into the infinite edges


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Best Gifts from Vanuatu

Best Gifts from Vanuatu

A vacation is never complete without buying a souvenir. These little trinkets are our tickets back to memory lane. It mostly reminds us of the sweet memories we've had of our brief stay in a locale. The capital of Vanuatu, Port Villa is like a small resort town with tiny boutiques. Take advantage of shopping and stocking up


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