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Erin Hanson and Her Poems 2

Erin Hanson and Her Poems 2

And today more Erin Hanson because I want to.


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You should date a girl who reads by Rosemarie Urquico

You should date a girl who reads by Rosemarie Urquico

Date a girl who reads. Date a girl who spends her money on books instead of clothes, who has problems with closet space because she has too many books. Date a girl who has a list of books she wants to read, who has had a library card since she was twelve. Find a girl who reads. You’ll


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You Should Date an Illiterate Girl by Charles Warnke

You Should Date an Illiterate Girl by Charles Warnke

Date a girl who doesn’t read. Find her in the weary squalor of a Midwestern bar. Find her in the smoke, drunken sweat, and varicolored light of an upscale nightclub. Wherever you find her, find her smiling. Make sure that it lingers when the people that are talking to her look away. Engage her with unsentimental trivialities. Use


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Erin Hanson and her Poems 1

Erin Hanson and her Poems 1

I first knew him as e.h and later on found out that him is a she and her name is Erin Hanson. And e.h echoes the poems my soul wants to write but I do not have the talent to weave words in such a magickal way. And so I read her words once in a while and


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Latagaw Diaries: Indonesian Souvenirs

Latagaw Diaries: Indonesian Souvenirs

I love Indonesia's souvenir industry! They are my favorite so far! Everything was just beautiful! I just want to fly out there again and just do panic buying! (Just look at all the !!! I used!) Here is just a small sample of the souvenirs you can buy in Jakarta: Wooden squirrels and owls. Wooden cats. Mary the


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