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Look and feel your best this Holiday season

Look and feel your best this Holiday season

The yuletide season is just around the corner and for us Filipinos that only means one thing – endless parties and gatherings with families and friends you haven’t seen all year. It’s that one time of the year when people take their minds off deadlines and just spend quality time catching up with loved ones over great food.


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Latagaw Diaries: Souvenirs to Buy in Psar Chaa(Old Market), Siem Reap, Cambodia

Latagaw Diaries: Souvenirs to Buy in Psar Chaa(Old Market), Siem Reap, Cambodia

When in Siem Reap and you are looking for presents to bring back home, Psar Chaa/Psar Chah/Psar Chas/Psah Chas or just the Old Market is definitely one place to shop cheap. Here's a tip for you: Shop at around eight or nine in the morning when the stores are just opening up. Everyone is just begging to make


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