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Proactiv Success Stories

Proactiv Success Stories

Acne Creates Wall  When you have acne, you tend to avoid social events and you shy away from situations where your skin is the spotlight and makes you stop doing the things you love with the people you love. Acne influences your self-esteem, self-confidence, your outlook in general and your social life. Even mild breakouts can negatively impact


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Latagaw Diaries: Sohoton Cave and Natural Bridge

Latagaw Diaries: Sohoton Cave and Natural Bridge

One of the most accessible weekend getaway destination from Tacloban City is the Sohoton Cave and Natural Bridge located at Basey, Samar. Basey which in Waray means beautiful is is the old capital of Tacloban City. (Does that make sense? Tacloban used to be a sitio of Basey.)  The town has lots of old Spanish era houses and


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The Truth about Acne

The Truth about Acne

What is acne and how does it develops?  Acne is the most common skin disease and very common to teenagers. Nearly everyone experiences acne at some point in life. It may last for a few months or a few years. An acne blemish begins approximately 2-3 weeks before it appears on your skin’s surface. So while it may


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