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Things to do for Free in Tel Aviv

Things to do for Free in Tel Aviv

I think the best things in life are free! And one of my greatest joys is finding something free to do in a new locale. Here are a couple of stuff you can do for free in Tel Aviv: City Tours White City Official Tour by the Tel-Aviv Yafo Municipality. A two-hour walking tour from the first neighborhood to


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Via Dolorosa or The Way of the Cross

Via Dolorosa or The Way of the Cross

The Via Dolorosa is Christendom's most sacred route. This is where Jesus bore his cross from Pilate's Judgment Hall to the Calvary Hill or Golgotha. There are 14 Stations of the Cross along the narrow cobbled winding alley ways of the Old City of Jerusalem and ends inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where you can find five more stations.


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The Western Wall aka The Wailing Wall aka Kotel

The Western Wall aka The Wailing Wall aka Kotel

For years, the Western Wall has always kept me fascinated. Back then, I only know this as the Wailing Wall. And after my trip to Jerusalem, I learned another word for this, the Jewish word Kotel. What is in this wall that Jews from all over would come and say prayers to? I wanted to pray on that


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