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How to Apply for UKRN

How to Apply for UKRN

***Updated regularly as I go through the process If you are planning to work as a UK RN and you are basically winging everything by yourself without the full support of an agency, this step by step guide is for you. You might ask why I am DIY-ing everything, it is because I have minimal hospital experience. Agencies


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Things to Do in Geneva in One Day or Less

Things to Do in Geneva in One Day or Less

Bonjour! Geneva, Switzerland can easily be explored in one day or less! You can even see all of it in a few minutes by crossing to France! Do you want to know how? Read on! Geneva or Geneve is more expensive than your average European country. They use Swiss Francs or CHF not Euros. I discovered that the


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Switzerland Schengen Visa Application for Filipinos

Switzerland Schengen Visa Application for Filipinos

As of July 2018, TLSContact does not process the Switzerland Schengen Visa anymore. I learned a hard lesson on this. When you do a search for Switzerland Visa Philippines, TLSContact always pops up. I first filled out their online form and found it weird that their online appointment dates are all filled up. I then tried calling their


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When in Hinunangan

When in Hinunangan

Hinungan in Southern Leyte is a typical seaside town that is a 2.5 hours drive away from Tacloban City. It may be considered a third class municipality but most of the locals here are seafarers so the houses here look pretty nice and are fitted with the latest amenities. The locals speak Bisaya or Cebuano but can easily understand


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Hong Kong Disneyland Hacks

Hong Kong Disneyland Hacks

I just came back from Hong Kong Disneyland where I spent one magic filled day with my mini-me. Some people told me that one day in Disney is not enough to see and explore everything! However, with good planning, it is possible! Starting from the Disney train, everything was a mad dash! Yumi had a fever the day


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