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South Sudan: PDF Party

South Sudan: PDF Party

Last night, we had a PDF party. PDF stands for payment disbursement form and we fill them out when we need money to implement certain activities in our program. For several days now, my roommate has been trying to make heads or tails out of her PDFs but reconciling the amount spent out of the South Sudanese Pounds


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Kendall Jenner, New Celebrity Spokesperson for Proactiv

Kendall Jenner, New Celebrity Spokesperson for Proactiv

Kendall is an American model and media personality best known for her role in the reality show Keeping up with The Kardashians. With an outstanding modeling career and one of the highest-paid models in the world, supermodel Kendall has walked for many high-fashion designers and modeled for fashion magazines and brands. A lot of people might envy this


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Happiness, a healthy recipe for the skin

Happiness, a healthy recipe for the skin

Did you know that you only need 17 muscles smile, versus the 43 muscles needed to frown? To make matters worse frowning causes facial lines and wrinkles, making you look old and tired. Flashing a smile does not take much effort. Aside from being gracious and friendly, you are actually spreading good cheer. The positive vibe resonates even


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Unexpected Cathartic Trip

Unexpected Cathartic Trip

I just returned from my trip to the Czech Republic. Two years ago, this was on my bucket list. I wanted to go there on Christmas and see the old town square covered in snow. I dreamed of checking out the handmade items sold in the Christmas market. I have even screencaps of these scenes from Instagram! But


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Proactiv+ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Proactiv+ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

PROACTIV+ FAQs 1. What is Proactiv+ 3-Step Clear Skin System? Proactiv+ 3-Step Clear Skin System is a 3-Step system that clears blemishes and prevents future breakouts. Proactiv+ 3-Step Clear Skin System also helps to: • Clear Blemishes and prevent future breakouts • Hydrate and soften skin • Improve visible texture and clarity • Reduce visible pore size •


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South Sudan: Missing Weddings and a Funeral

South Sudan: Missing Weddings and a Funeral

The other week, one of my best friends got married. A couple of weeks from now, one of my guy best friends is tying the knot as well. In between these celebrations was the death and burial of a surrogate mother, my best friend's mom. Due to my two months R&R cycle, I cannot just up and leave


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South Sudan: Law of Attraction 1

South Sudan: Law of Attraction 1

During our downtime, while doing Blanket Supplementary Feeding Distributions, one of my staff mentioned that she is reading the Law of Attraction and that she actually attracted me and the job. I then told her that I have tried manifesting things but it seems like the Law of Attraction is not working for me. Then suddenly, I remembered


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Devotions: FAITH

Devotions: FAITH

But without faith, it is impossible to please Him... Hebrews 11:6 How do we have faith in something which no eyes has ever seen or no ears has ever heard? Already in real life, we have difficulty in having faith in one another's capacity or even in our own. We judge people according to our perception about them


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Skincare Tips from Proactiv+ 3-Step Clear Skin System

Skincare Tips from Proactiv+ 3-Step Clear Skin System

I remember reading a story about an encounter between an enlightened man and his student. One day, the student caught his teacher spending time in front of the mirror, fixing himself. The student then asked him, 'Guru, why do you still check yourself in the mirror when the beauty of the soul is what truly matters?' The Master


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SOUTH SUDAN: Honeymoon is Now Over

SOUTH SUDAN: Honeymoon is Now Over

I still remember our induction in Switzerland and Juba. They have always emphasized that our first month in the country feels like a honeymoon. Everything will be new and novel to us; like tourists. We would be excited about everything we see, feel, taste, and experience.  Having done several hardship assignments, the first three months never felt like


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South Sudan: The Coming of the First Rain

South Sudan: The Coming of the First Rain

The first real downpour has finally arrived in Renk! Everyone is happy because rain equals to blessings in this part of the world. Meanwhile, on my tiny island in the Philippines, rain comes almost every afternoon and the arrival of one is not as welcome. Catholics even offer eggs to saints so rain won't come on special days


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Proactiv Plus 3-Step Clear Skin System Product Information

Proactiv Plus 3-Step Clear Skin System Product Information

Proactiv has always delivered what it promised. This time around, they stepped up their game with the new Proactiv +! Now, you might wonder what they added to their product. In this case, the new formulation uses Smart Target Technology that allows easy absorption and penetration of Benzyl Peroxide into the skin pores. This makes it more effective


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