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South Sudan: The Lean Seasons

South Sudan: The Lean Seasons

The sky is mostly downcast each day and there seems to be more gray clouds in the sky. Often the winds would blow and howl, showering dust in almost every surface possible. It also often finds its way down to my scalp despite my thick curly hair. It has all the signs that rain is coming but just


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Ethiopian Tourist Visa for Filipinos

Ethiopian Tourist Visa for Filipinos

For Filipinos who wants to travel to Ethiopia, you can't believe how easy it is to apply for a visa there! It can be done in 1, 2, 3! Trust me on this because even with my crappy satellite internet in the fringes of South Sudan, I still got mine in 3 minutes after I paid the visa


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South Sudan: Henna Tattoo

South Sudan: Henna Tattoo

One of my colleagues was leaving our program for good so there was a big going away party for her! The preparations for the said event started a week early. For example, a young lady came to add extensions to her natural hair and plait it. It was the first time I have seen it done. The ladies


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