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South Sudan: The Coming of the First Rain

South Sudan: The Coming of the First Rain

The first real downpour has finally arrived in Renk! Everyone is happy because rain equals to blessings in this part of the world. Meanwhile, on my tiny island in the Philippines, rain comes almost every afternoon and the arrival of one is not as welcome. Catholics even offer eggs to saints so rain won't come on special days


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Proactiv Plus 3-Step Clear Skin System Product Information

Proactiv Plus 3-Step Clear Skin System Product Information

Proactiv has always delivered what it promised. This time around, they stepped up their game with the new Proactiv +! Now, you might wonder what they added to their product. In this case, the new formulation uses Smart Target Technology that allows easy absorption and penetration of Benzyl Peroxide into the skin pores. This makes it more effective


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Ethiopia: Food, Drinks, and Etiquette

Ethiopia: Food, Drinks, and Etiquette

After the bland food of South Sudan, I am so excited to try out the richly flavored Ethiopian food! In fact, it is tops in my list. The average price for a meal is 120 to 140 Birr or around 5 USD plus 15% value added tax which is not reflected in the menu.  Each meal is meant


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Ethiopia: Top 10 Things You Should Know Before You Go

Ethiopia: Top 10 Things You Should Know Before You Go

Booking tickets for Ethiopian Airlines on-line works out very expensive when compared with booking at their office in Addis Ababa. For example, the route Addis -> Gondar -> Lalibela -> Addis was quoted on-line for USD450 whereas at their booking office (at the Hilton in Addis) the ticket cost only USD150. Even better: if you have booked your international trip


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Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Bole International Airport

Ethiopia: Addis Ababa Bole International Airport

The Addis Ababa International Airport is kindda small so it is pretty straightforward and easy to navigate. VISA Lines for Visa on Arrival is shorter than all the other lines. You can also get a an e-visa here for 52USD but the line is longer since Ethiopian Citizens and holders of transit and e-visa's use just one line.


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