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Workplace Bullying

Workplace Bullying

 It is interesting to know that as I dug deep into performance appraisals, I realized I was being micromanaged. And when I further probed on this topic, I realized I am living workplace bullying IRL!There is a LinkedIn profile called "Workplace Bullying Project". And here is an excerpt from its post..."But that's not what imposter leaders are doing...they are


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Dealing with difficult performance appraisals

Dealing with difficult performance appraisals

 I've been intentionally posting/reposting health and nutrition-related articles on Linkedin with my thoughts and summaries. I have also been actively pursuing self-development courses and reading books related to leadership, management, and finance- basically, anything that will mold me into a better person and leader.This quote from Leadership First in Linkedin, caught my attention today as it is timely


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Reviving my old blog

Reviving my old blog

Hi! Long time...I am typing this in the middle of Sudan, Ethiopia, and South Sudan at midnight.My last entry was in February 2021. Today is November 22, 2023, and a day before Thanksgiving Day. Two years later, I am a phoenix rising from the ashes. I am now intentionally pulling myself out of my retirement and will start


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