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Workplace Bullying

Workplace Bullying

 It is interesting to know that as I dug deep into performance appraisals, I realized I was being micromanaged. And when I further probed on this topic, I realized I am living workplace bullying IRL!There is a LinkedIn profile called "Workplace Bullying Project". And here is an excerpt from its post..."But that's not what imposter leaders are doing...they are


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Dealing with difficult performance appraisals

Dealing with difficult performance appraisals

 I've been intentionally posting/reposting health and nutrition-related articles on Linkedin with my thoughts and summaries. I have also been actively pursuing self-development courses and reading books related to leadership, management, and finance- basically, anything that will mold me into a better person and leader.This quote from Leadership First in Linkedin, caught my attention today as it is timely


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