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Selena Gomez' Hair and Dyeing 101

Selena Gomez' Hair and Dyeing 101

Remember how I'd written about my plans to get an ombre? I asked at Christina's if they can do it for me. Sadly, they said no. I wanted to do it myself but I was afraid of over bleaching my hair, if there is such a thing. Luckily, our neighbor in Burauen has a little parlor whom I


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Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra Crown chakra is a multimedia work using acrylic, fabric paint and fabric which tries to project the chakra or energy of the human body. Highlighted in this work is the crown chakra that honors intellectual connectedness and enlightenment. I understand. Everything in this artwork was unplanned. I just went with how I feel and thought was right.


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REVIEW: Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Glow 24 Hr Nourishing Lotion

REVIEW: Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Glow 24 Hr Nourishing Lotion

Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Glow 24 Hr Nourishing Lotion for soft and glowing skin has pure cocoa butter and stratys 3 multi-layer moisture. It claims to leave your skin feeling healthy and glowing. Its 24 hour nourishing formula that combines pure cocoa butter and stratys 3 multi-layer moisture infuse moisture at the top, core and deep-down layers of


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Tribal Wear

Tribal Wear

I have always been fascinated with the different tribes in the Philippines. I loved reading Agoncillo's Philippine history book because it takes me to a culture different from what we have today. Among these are the Igorots and Ifugao etc. of Luzon. Surprisingly, a friend of Dante whom I went to UP Tac with sent us a package


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REVIEW: Garnier Pure Self Heating Sauna Mask

REVIEW: Garnier Pure Self Heating Sauna Mask

This is my first attempt to become a professional reviewer complete with photos of my freaking self. Garnier Pure Self Heating Sauna Mask comes in 2 sachets in 1 package. (Does that make sense?) Anyways one package is good for 2-4 applications depending on how thick you apply the product or how large the surface area of your


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REVIEW: L'Oreal Paris White Perfect Day Cream

REVIEW: L'Oreal Paris White Perfect Day Cream

My 20ml L'Oreal Paris White Perfect transparent rosy whitening day cream is now empty. It has SPF17 and promises a rosy complexion. It has Melanin-Vanish which is believed desaturate cells loaded with melanin. The cream has a double action. First, it helps neutralize the program of melanin production at the source. It then unloads the existing melanin in


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Eiffel Tower and Audrey Hepburn

Eiffel Tower and Audrey Hepburn

Eiffel Tower and Audrey Hepburn are two of my favorite things. Ate Leova, Emma, Liza and I share the same dream of having our photo taken with the Eiffel Tower in the background. I will be wearing a sleeveless below the knee dress with huge black glasses and an updo ala Audrey Hepburn. Here is my birthday gift


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REVIEW: Garnier Skin Naturals Light Overnight Whitening Peeling Cream

REVIEW: Garnier Skin Naturals Light Overnight Whitening Peeling Cream

I'm starting to be a Garnier fan! According to their Garnier philosophy, they are the leading European natural beauty brand that uses whenever possible carefully extracted natural-based active ingredients that are designed for Asian skin. Today, I'll be featuring the Garnier Skin Naturals Light with pure lemon essence and natural peeling fruit extracts overnight whitening peeling cream. It says on


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Filipino Streetfood 101

Filipino Streetfood 101

CNNgo dubbed Manila's streetfoods albeit the rest of the Philippines as one of Asia's best in an article titled" Asia's 10 Greatest Street Foods" written by Lina Goldberg. The foods featured in this article are: 1. Tsitsaron 2.Taho 3. Balut 4. Kwek kwek 5. Silog 6. Isaw 7. Kikiam 8. Sago't Gulaman 9. Banana Cue 10. Fish balls Some


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