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REVIEW: Garnier Skin Naturals Light Overnight Whitening Peeling Cream

I'm starting to be a Garnier fan! According to their Garnier philosophy, they are the leading European natural beauty brand that uses whenever possible carefully extracted natural-based active ingredients that are designed for Asian skin.

Today, I'll be featuring the Garnier Skin Naturals Light with pure lemon essence and natural peeling fruit extracts overnight whitening peeling cream. It says on the front of the package that it will help in dark cell exfoliation and would eventually reveal a fresh and fairer skin in the morning.
I bought myself the small tube which contains 20ml. It costs around 90php at Robinsons, so that is around 2 US dollars. It has a skin tone meter at the sides and my skintone is in the range of 9. I have no desire to have whiter skin because that would totally look unnatural. What I'm desiring is to remove the dark spots on my face and have a glowing complexion. My skin is dull and oily at times and oily is definitely glowing in a greasy kind of way. Yuck!
At night, your skin is least exposed to dust, dirt and sunlight. This is the ideal time to do some skin repair. This cream "peels off dullness overnight thanks to an intensive exfoliating action to help remove dark cells". It also "whitens the skin to reduce dark spots and further skin darkening". Just spread it evenly on a perfectly(it says prefectly on the box, I wonder if this is printed in China) cleansed face, avoiding the delicate eye area.

I washed my face with Garnier light facial scrub before applying the peeling cream. It carries that Garnier lemony smell that I love-not too strong but a turn off perhaps to those who have sensitive noses and skin.)

It is a white cream that is more on the liquid side. It doesn't run though and doesn't harden on your face. Initially, I thought it will harden like mask and I would need to peel it off in the morning. Well, it just feels so light and natural that you don't need to peel it off. It is easy to wash off. I haven't noticed any peeling on my skin too.

 I wonder what the "peeling" part on this product is.

I read in another review that I would need to use this for 28 days to see visible results. I'm on my second day and so no breakouts so far.

I will keep you updated!



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