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REVIEW: Olay Oil Minimizing Toner

REVIEW: Olay Oil Minimizing Toner

Ideally, one should wash, tone and moisturize their face. I just wash and moisturizer. When I hear the word toner, I would immediately imagine Eskinol or astringents. I'm not a big fan of these products because the former with its high alcohol content can be drying and the latter can cause redness and often leaves your face white while your


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Fresh Out of the Box!

Fresh Out of the Box!

Coming from the province which only has one small mall to boast, finding a genuine luxury perfume has always been a challenge. There are times that I do manage to find the brands I like but it is either overpriced because a friend from abroad has brought it in( sorry, I am not your typical Filipino. I have


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Kikay Review: Olay Total Effects anti-ageing eye cream

Kikay Review: Olay Total Effects anti-ageing eye cream

My bestfriends told me that their ate (older sister) now has crow's feet. This alarmed me, she is just a few years our senior and hasn't even stepped out of the calendar yet! If she has one, then I am sure that mine will surely crack a few months from now if I do not take action. I


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Airports or Air Farts?

Airports or Air Farts?

"The Guide to Sleeping in Airports" called our Ninoy Aquino International Airport as one of the "Worst Airports in the World." I find this particularly interesting because NAIA is the main international airport in our country. If this is one of the worst, then what would be their impression if they get to visit our local domestic airport


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Ulzzang: Best Face

Ulzzang: Best Face

Ulzzang (uhl-jang) or Uljjang shipadae is the epitome of South Korean beauty and fashion. This means, best face or good looking and seems to be the goal of almost anyone interested in Asian fashion. Ulzzang's take pride in their healthy unblemished skin. To create an ulzzang look, there are basic items you must have in your beauty arsenal:


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New Year's Day Bang

New Year's Day Bang

While everyone was busy with their New Year's celebration, I was holed up in my room busy doing this: Vamoose! Ma.Diwata


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