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Kikay Review: Olay Total Effects anti-ageing eye cream

My bestfriends told me that their ate (older sister) now has crow's feet. This alarmed me, she is just a few years our senior and hasn't even stepped out of the calendar yet!

If she has one, then I am sure that mine will surely crack a few months from now if I do not take action. I didn't have a budget then but I knew that I should not go home to Tacloban without one.

Luckily, I won a contest at our Christmas party and I splurged this money on my rather expensive cream. Celeteque and Garnier has cheaper alternatives but I am an Olay girl. Hence, this 699Php 7-in-1 anti-ageing Olay Total Effects anti-ageing eye cream at Watsons. 

 It is just 15ml.
 All you have to do is to place small dots around your orbital area using your beauty or ring finger sinc ethis one has the least pressure. The undereye area has thin skin with no sweat and oil glands so you have to be extra gentle when applying cream in this area.
 This formula promises to fight the 7 signs of aging:

  1. Fine lines and wrinkles: reduces the appearance of fine line and wrinkles.
  2. Dark circles: reduces the appearance of dark circles.
  3. Crow's feet: reduces appearance of crow's feet.
  4. Puffiness: reduces under-eye puffiness.
  5. Uneven tone: balances and evens out skin tone.
  6. Uneven teture: smoothens and evens out skin texture.
  7. Dryness: provides nourishing moisturizer.
I don't think I have any of these but since it is an anti-ageing cream, I have to use it before it appears. 

 Look at this deceiving box. You thought the bottle was big right? It just occupies half of the box.

So this is how it looks in the inside but so far I have only used the cream stuck on the cover.
 You only need a thin layer for your eyes. I think this bottle is gonna last me long.
Don't forget! Use your ring finger!
Pat it gently or in a circle motion under your eye and on the crevices of your crow's feet. Apply cream also below your brows and on the creases of your eyelid.

I don't have any experience iwth eye creams before so let me just tell you why I love this cream. It is not heavy and is easily absorbed by my skin. I think it lightened my discoloration.

I will buy this again because it is rich and creamy and doesn't leave my periorbital area grayish.

I am not paid for this review. I bought this with my own money. Although I have emailed their FB page for samples because I am a great fan of their product. Oh well...

Tip: If you want your pot to last long, keep it refrigerated.



2 komentářů:

  1. Its just a waste of money..it didn't work in my eyebags.nothings happen since I used it for a week...kung pwede lng ibalik,,sayang lng pera ko..

  2. I want to try this but I’m more interested sa Cleansing system nila, yung Pro-X.
    ~Pauline @Kallony


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