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Mail Art

Mail Art

MASA, a group by Arao Salamat will be having "Artists Freedom", a Mail Art International Festival and I am so excited to be a part of it. I googled some mail arts in the internet and most of them looks like papercraft with stamps and appliques on it. Mine isn't but I hope it will do just fine. 


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Firmoo Sunglasses Giveaway!

Firmoo Sunglasses Giveaway!

Firmoo is giving away sunglasses for this summer! Firmoo is an online shop where you can buy prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses at a really cheap price! Even cheaper than your local Optical Shop! I personally buy my sunglasses at Firmoo because of their fashionable designs. Here is a picture of my free tinted prescription sunglasses from them: I


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Oasap Giveaway! Yehey!

Oasap Giveaway! Yehey!

Hi Readers! Oasap is giving away spring and summer pieces! Catch is I need 50 participants for this so please join my giveaway! Choose one of this for your prize: Sweet Floppy Hat With Floral Embellishment Here is a closer look at each piece:  Sugar Skater Skirt Elegant Mini Skirt With Chiffon Overlay Shining Galaxy Print Leggings Fashion


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Proactiv Deep Cleansing Wash Freebie!

Proactiv Deep Cleansing Wash Freebie!

Remember the Proactiv deep cleansing wash I got the other day? What is Proactiv Deep Cleansing Wash? Proactiv Deep Cleansing Wash is the perfect medicated body wash for your back-ne and pimples found on your chest and shoulders. You can even use it on your face! Why it works? This product contains salicylic acid  in 2% concentration. This


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Proactiv Online Brand Ambassador

Proactiv Online Brand Ambassador

I had just finished reading an email from Proactiv confirming my address when the 2GO courier knocked on my door! How very fast and efficient! I am so grateful and happy that Proactiv has chosen me as one of their Online Brand Ambassador. There were lots of blogging opportunity before but I needed to go to Manila for


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Illegaly Good Looking: Omar Borkan Al Gala

Illegaly Good Looking: Omar Borkan Al Gala

When a series of news clippings spread like wildfire in the internet about Emirati men being banned from certain social events because of their good looks, I was downright curious. How good looking are they really? Omar Borkan Al Gala is rumored to be one of these men. With his good looks and sultry eyes, even a man


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Lakwatsera Series: Rancho Maria Lucas

Lakwatsera Series: Rancho Maria Lucas

Are you looking for an alternative destination this summer? Why not spend it in the mountains? I don't mean camping out in tents while cicadas sing in the distance. Why choose to sleep outdoors when you can commune with nature while staying in a comfy bed? Rancho Maria Lucas is a great alternative summer destination. It is located


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