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Oasap Giveaway! Yehey!

Hi Readers!

Oasap is giving away spring and summer pieces! Catch is I need 50 participants for this so please join my giveaway!
Choose one of this for your prize:

Sweet Floppy Hat With Floral Embellishment

Here is a closer look at each piece: 
Sugar Skater Skirt

Elegant Mini Skirt With Chiffon Overlay

Shining Galaxy Print Leggings

Fashion Sleeveless Chiffon Dress With Asymmetric Hem OASAP.com

Fashion Sleeveless Chiffon Dress With Asymmetric Hem

Effiel Tower Print Short Sleeve T-shirt OASAP.com

Eiffiel Tower Print Short Sleeve T-shirt

Cute Pink Panther Print Short Sleeve T-shirt OASAP.com

Cute Pink Panther Print Short Sleeve T-shirt

Sleeveless Round Neck Crocheted Lace Vest OASAP.com

Sleeveless Round Neck Crocheted Lace Vest

Please share this to your friends!


5 komentářů:

  1. I joined:)

    I want to win the Sugar Skater Skirt.

    Oasap account name: genefaith
    email: genefaith@yahoo.com

  2. Mariel Arboleda
    I want to win the sugar skater skirt! ;)

  3. I'd like Sugar Skater Skirt
    Oasap : registered with email juletchka78(at)hotmail(dot)com (Yuliya Shanko)
    email : juletchka78(at)hotmail(dot)com

  4. michellepiyoko@yahoo.com
    I really like the Fashion Sleeveless Chiffon Dress With Asymmetric Hem! :)


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