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Product Review of Champion Detergent

Product Review of Champion Detergent

This product review of Champion Detergent stems from my own hand washing experience.(Yes, I'm now a domestic diva! And I can't believe it as well!) You only need a small amount of Champion detergent powder to create suds. I believe it is a strong formula. Left Yumi's uniform for a few hours and it only took a few


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Visiting an English Class in Kyauk-me

Visiting an English Class in Kyauk-me

Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík Seems like kids in the town of Kyauk-me are on the look out for foreigners to invite to their evening English class. One kid was waiting for me patiently at my hotel to take me to his class in his motorcycle. I did and we had fun! Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík It was


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Hiking in Go Teik Viaduct, Nawngkio, Shan State, Burma

Hiking in Go Teik Viaduct, Nawngkio, Shan State, Burma

Photo Credit: Dominik M. Ramík  "a monster of silver geometry in all the ragged rock and jungle, its presence was bizarre".- Paul Theroux, The Great Railway Bazaar  Goteik Viaduct (or Gohteik/Gokteik/Go Teik ) is a part of the railway located in Nawngkio, which is a town located between Pyin U Lwin and Lashio. It is the highest bridge in Myanmar and during


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What to Expect When Trekking in Kyaukme, Myanmar with Thura

What to Expect When Trekking in Kyaukme, Myanmar with Thura

Check out the sign! It's my favorite. It says GOODBYE FOR ALL HUMAN!Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík Mingalaba! If you are coming from Mandalay, I suggest you go to the bus station really early like 7am or earlier. Once you miss the bus your next choice is to get a shared taxi. I paid 6,000 kyat (1000kyat cheaper than the


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Photoessay: Exploring Mandalay Hill

Photoessay: Exploring Mandalay Hill

Image via guideformyanmar Mandalay Hill is a 240 metres tall land formation that overlooks the city of Mandalay. At the top of the hill is the Sutaungpyei (wish-fulfilling) Pagoda but before you reach there you would need to walk barefoot through a labyrinthine pathway filled with shrines and tacky gift shops. The entire excursion may take up to an


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U Bein's Teak Bridge, Amarapura near Mandalay

U Bein's Teak Bridge, Amarapura near Mandalay

Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík U Bein's Bridge in Amarapura is famed to be the world's longest teak bridge. It connects Kyauktagyi Paya and Taungthaman. Teeming with activity, this is the perfect place to view a beautiful Burmese sunset! ( Just don't mind the heaps of garbage and nasty smell.) 200 years old 1086 teak wood posts. Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík Women


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Top Fun Things to Do in Mandalay in One Day!

Top Fun Things to Do in Mandalay in One Day!

Mandalay is Myanmar's second largest biggest city. It is the jump off point to adventures in the north of Myanmar where treks through the gorgeous countrysides and visits to tribes has become increasingly popular. If you are in Mandalay for just a day, here are some fun things for you to do! BTW, I got a fan twin


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