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U Bein's Teak Bridge, Amarapura near Mandalay

Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík

U Bein's Bridge in Amarapura is famed to be the world's longest teak bridge. It connects Kyauktagyi Paya and Taungthaman. Teeming with activity, this is the perfect place to view a beautiful Burmese sunset! ( Just don't mind the heaps of garbage and nasty smell.)
200 years old 1086 teak wood posts. Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík
Women picking lotus bulbs. Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík
Boats loaded with tourists and their cameras. It would have been a great ride during high tide. Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík
There are shacks along the bridge with vendors selling food, water and beer. Midway there is a ladder leading to dry land. There is a restaurant a stones throw away from heaps of garbage selling food, coconuts, and beer to tourists.
Zoom in to see the garbage. Photo credit: Dominik M. Ramík

How to get here? 

You can cycle here from Mandalay in about 45 minutes or rent a motorcyle. Our motorcycle charged us 9,000 kyat to take us here and back from Mandalay.

Is there an entrance fee? 

No charge at all to cross the bridge.

Suggested activities:

  • Go down the ladder and explore the dry land.
  • Rent a boat and see the day to day activities of the locals. 
  • Walk the entire span of the bridge and explore the other side.

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