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20 + Places To Go to in Old Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Israel

20 + Places To Go to in Old Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Israel

If you want to get out of the urban jungle and head out to a more local and indie vibe in Tel Aviv then find your way to Old Jaffa or Yafo as it’s known in Hebrew.  Rising from a cliff that faces the Mediterranean Sea, Old Jaffa is known to the Crusaders and pilgrims as the Bride


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How to get the Korean "glass skin"?


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Budget Travel to Siargao

Budget Travel to Siargao

Updated August 26, 2018 I wrote this article in September last year. However, I just came back from another trip to Siargao and the landscape has totally changed. Hence, I have updated most of the details in this article. My journey starts from Palo, Leyte. I will be taking the Bachelor's Bus to Southern Leyte then crossing to


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Travel Guide: Airplane Hand Carry Baggage Regulations

Travel Guide: Airplane Hand Carry Baggage Regulations

As a girl, summarizing what I would need for a one week trip into seven kilos of hand carried baggage is a challenge! Toiletries and OOTDs are a must for us!How much more when you are packing for a month or more backpacking trip? I cannot say I'm an expert in packing light. I would say I have


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Remain zit-free with Proactiv

Remain zit-free with Proactiv

Remain zit-free with ProactivIs it your favorite anti-acne treatment, too? Clear skin is just another beauty counter away. The acne clearing system’s effectiveness in dealing with stubborn acne has garnered a loyal following in the country, and consumers can enjoy extensive skin care by dropping by at any Watsons and SM Department store branch nationwide. The U.S. brand


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Traveling to Israel with a Philippine Passport

Traveling to Israel with a Philippine Passport

Filipino's can now travel to Israel with a Philippine passport visa free; all thanks to the government of then President Quezon. His open door policy welcomed around 1300 Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust in Europe to the Philippines in the 1930s.  VISA ON ARRIVAL Upon arrival in the Holy Land, you will be allowed a 90-day entry. You are not


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