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South Sudan: South Sudanese Coffee

South Sudan: South Sudanese Coffee

The highlight of my stressful day is a walk to the souk (market) to buy a tiny cup of kahwa (coffee) or in the South Sudanese Arabic, bon for 100 SSP (as of April 2019). This coffee is infused with ginger or cinnamon, some spices, and cardamom. These poured out from a special tin ‘jug’ with a long


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South Sudan: Questioning My Life Decisions

South Sudan: Questioning My Life Decisions

After the turbulent two hours plus plane ride and upon seeing where I was going to live, I began questioning my life decisions. Getting my security orientation upon arrival just added to my urgent need to just fold myself into a ball and cry. I was overwhelmed by many different emotions. I began to appreciate my blessed living


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South Sudan: First Impressions of the Upper Nile Sahel

South Sudan: First Impressions of the Upper Nile Sahel

The Upper Nile is said to be the hottest region in the country since it is closer to Khartoum. I am not so sure of that. When I was in Juba, as soon as the sun sets my sweat would start dripping. I noticed that it is warmer during those times. Where I am right now, the temperature


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South Sudan: The Real Airport Scrum and my First UNHAS Flight

South Sudan: The Real Airport Scrum and my First UNHAS Flight

Traveling by road across South Sudan was considered a perilous ride before. This is because of the uncertain security situation in different areas. There were on-going armed hostilities between the South Sudanese Armed Forces and non-state armed groups in addition to inter-communal clashes like cattle raids. Next, there is still continuous cross-border movements of people into South Sudan.


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South Sudan: When Frustrations Can Best Be Expressed as Laughter

South Sudan: When Frustrations Can Best Be Expressed as Laughter

Sundays are the cooks day off so we are usually left to ourselves to find food and nourishment. We have 10USD per diem to do as we pleased. Now, in the Philippines, this would have gone a long way because I know where to buy fresh produce to cook or I know where the carenderias are. In Juba,


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South Sudan: Life in Juba

South Sudan: Life in Juba

The view from inside the house I am on my first week in Juba, South Sudan-the youngest country on earth. My initial plan was to just vlog my life experience this year, but due to several reasons, security and slow internet included, blogging would probably be the best way to record my experience. If you have been reading


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South Sudan: Juba Airport Scrum

South Sudan: Juba Airport Scrum

Credit to Juba TV on Facebook I have read so much about the airport scrum at Juba International Airport and it was interesting to experience it myself. The system was different which made it a memorable experience for me. I am thankful for the South Sudan Orientation guide sent to me by my organization and another one provided by


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