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Product Review: Beauty Fix Nose Pack from Watson's

Name of product: BeautyFix Nose Pack
Sold at Watson's
Price: 19php

I personally think this product is a waste of money. It's watery. When you apply it on your skin it leaves a lot of holes or empty spaces. It does not really stick well on your skin so when you peel it back, you don't really "harvest" a lot.

When you pull it off, you don't get to "harvest" a lot of blackheads and whiteheads. So, reapplication is needed to get a clean face.

Therefore, save your money and don't buy this product. If you are looking for a similar product, I highly recommend iWhite Nose Pack. It's available at Mercury Drugstores and Robinson's Supermarket.

Check out my review on iWhite products below:


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