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Unexpected Cathartic Trip

I just returned from my trip to the Czech Republic. Two years ago, this was on my bucket list. I wanted to go there on Christmas and see the old town square covered in snow. I dreamed of checking out the handmade items sold in the Christmas market. I have even screencaps of these scenes from Instagram! But above all, I wanted to do it with one special person.

However, when my Czech boyfriend broke up with me, I drew a line over it on my bucket list. Since then, I have been to Switzerland and the neighboring countries. It would have been easy to go there by train but I never did. I told myself that I will never go there for tourism purposes. I will only go when there is an intentional purpose.

Sometime during April, a friend posted about the IOM Summer School. I counted the days towards it and it fell perfectly on my R&R cycle. So, I applied for it. I filled out all these essay questions on how relevant the Summer School will be for my field of interest today. As my program often involves internally displaced individuals or refugees, I felt that the issue of migration would be interesting. A month later, I got the admission letter and it said IOM Praha. My heart skipped a beat.

I want to attend the class but I was afraid that being in his homeland will open a flood gate of emotions that I have mentally trained to stay as far away from my brain and heart as possible. I've worked so hard in the past year for all my walls to just come crumbling down!

Surprisingly, I was not a cry baby during the trip. I enjoyed myself. I met new friends and even recognized some things from his stories. My guide even called me a spoilsport as I kept answering his trivia's correctly. I want to give myself a pat on the back and say, 'Hey lady! You did it! You are strong and courageous!'

I felt that God was telling me that I do not need to push aside my plans in life just because I am heartbroken or alone. There is so much to do in life that I can enjoy even the plans we made together. My life does not need to stop just because someone decided to quit midway.

P.S. I left my shoes in Cesky Krumlov. So if you are there, can you please pick it up from Hostel Skippy and send it to me? Much love xoxo


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