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Review on ph Care Vaginal Wipes

Signed up to do a review on pH Care wipes a few weeks ago but I only found the time to write about it now.

I am thoroughly impressed on how fast and efficient the shipping company was because I got the package within 24 hours. Although I think the people from Unilab who were supposed to deliver it felt a bit lazy that day because they texted me to pick it up in their warehouse since it is just across our house.

I got 5 pH care Feminine wipes in blue green. This one is in Cool Wind and it has Active Cool for extra cool freshness similar to their feminine wash which I love.

Each pack contains 10 mildly scented wipes. The package says that it is pH balanced, alcohol free, hypo-allergenic and clinically tested.

These wipes are handy and a must have in your hand bags especially if you are travelling. It gently cleanses your intimate area from urine and other dirt. Its mild scent will keep you feeling fresh and clean.

Since there are only 10 pieces per pack, the penny pincher in me has found a way to make it go a long way. Using my ever reliable bandage scissor, I always cut a sheet into two. I only use half of it and save the other half for later. Tipid diba?

To know  more about their products visit these sites:

website: http://www.unilab.com.ph/consumers/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Unilab


1 komentářů:

  1. I think,today is my lucky day where i can learn some different things on different topic,seriously you just feel so glad when find some different information at any site,,!!


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