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Bohol Aftershock

My friend Jica went to Bohol in a haste hours after the 7.2 earthquake rocked the Visayas. 
Her father was missing and their house was badly damaged.
Later on, we found out that a group of loggers carried her ailing father to their upland farm where the family is camping out right now. There is no electricity or water there. They are not yet confident to go back to their house in Maribojoc because it looks like a ghost town. Stores are closed and the neighbors are all gone. What is left is mostly ruble.
I asked her to send me photos and her cousin, Ivie Jenn Orano gladly obliged. These photos are taken by Kankan Ornito.

The first floor of this house was flattened.

The Abatan Bridge connecting the town of Maribojoc to the city is wrecked.
As we thank God that some of us were spared from this tragedy, let us also show our gratitude by helping out. Non-government organizations are having donation drives to help the Boholanos. Do lend a hand. 


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