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Trip to Eat at V&G

Hi ho hi ho and off to the V&G fiesta we went earlier this day!
Rain and high water did not deter us from hopping from one classmate's house to another today. Neither did the traffic nor our bloated tummies.
L-R: Leova, Jona, Ge-Ann, Charlotte, Melrich, Sixto, JF, Genevieve, Pynes, Lloyd

I miss V&G fiesta's!
I miss riding my bike on these pot holed streets as a young girl with my friends.
I miss the really slow jeepney rides with my classmates.
I miss playing in the flood water and stealing guavas from neighbors.
I miss getting lost in its labyrinthine streets or the creepy howling of the dogs at night.
I miss waking up to church bells ringing and sleeping to Christian songs played at night.
It saddens me though that as I grew older the subdivision has also gotten sadder and darker. The crowd has gotten older as the youth of my generation moved on to bigger cities.
With the promise of a new drainage system, I pray and hope that V&G will be filled with children's laughter once again.

It was a trip down memory lane today.


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