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Unearthed Poems

I was looking through my old stuffs earlier this morning in the hopes of finding notes that can help me with biochemistry. I found a piece of yellow paper and it had a 1.0 mark on it (mind you I rarely get a 1.0).
I started reading it and I would like to share it with you. It was a poem I made many years back.

Everything's But A Dream

You and me, coy glances across the hall
A wink, a smile, a sigh...I slowly fall
A shiver down my spine, come embrace me
Enfold me in your arms and your body 
Our lips finding their way in the darkness
The smell of your perfume; male muskiness
Your hands slipping through the folds of my dress
I grope, giggle, bubble with giddiness
Through the moonlight your sweat is glistening
Wild, bonded, pumping, my heart is singing
Steady, slowly, stay, don't move. I'm in pain.
'Tis fleeting, a fugue. It is but a dream!
No! Let not this moment slip in vain..
We have to win this apple eating game!

Now that I read it with a fresh perspective, I find it too vivid and provocative. Simply put, I love it.
I don't think I write as well now. I miss that side of me.


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